As we prepare to move to the West End neighborhood of New Orleans, we need to MOVE some inventory items that have been hanging out in storage for too long. These are Used, Slow Movers, Shop-Worn, Overstock, or Unique Gems that are priced to sell! Some of these are listed below.
Please note: we cannot offer services on our sale items and they are offered as-is. No trade-ins and no equity purchases on sale items. We have a small capacity inside the shop, so we limit the number of customers allowed for your safety. Well-fitted mask required.
- Playable lesser-quality used Violins in almost every size
- Oliveira 4/4 cello bow
- T Chagas Brazil 4/4 violin bow
- Riedl German bass bow
- Left-Handed Violin/Case/Bow
- Mooradian Oblong Violin Case Cover – Sold
- 5-String European violin – Sold
- Upright Bass used 1/4 Size
- Used 4/4 Cello Cases
- Small New Cello Cases 1/4 & 1/2
- Keller Strings Violin Anniversary Cases
- New Kun 1/2-3/4 shoulder rests
- Used 3/4 Cellos
- Ivie Mann Handmade 16″ Viola
- Used Bam Stylus Viola Case 15-15.5″
- New shaped viola Cases 15-16.5″
- Gift Items & Decor